A visit to the smog ranch

The above picture was made in Hacienda de Smogranch. Just a couple of gauchos hanging out after a hard day out in the sun.

As many times as I’ve transited in LAX, I’ve never actually been in Los Angeles. This time, we walked uneventfully out of LAX, were efficiently shuttle-bussed to the rental company to pick up a “compact” car which is a family sedan by most other standards, got our road-tripping essentials in a vast mall nearby, had amazing Mexican food in the diner next to the motel, and aided by mall-procured Melatonin tablets, got to work on overcoming jet lag.

Ahhh America.

Downtown LA, from Griffith Observatory
Venice, Los Angeles
Venice, Los Angeles
Newport Beach
Newport Beach

LA is a funny place though. Glamorous and soft, but also hard, like something bad happened to everyone, and they’re just surviving the fall out.

California’s wasted on me.

New Constellation by Toad the Wet Sprocket


  1. Eunice says:

    Oh These!!! The pictures, the words….. I sense freedom, excitement, anticipation… I feel life. Thank you for sharing!

    1. charlene says:

      It’s been almost a year since any real travelling has been done, so there was massive anticipation!

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