
We went looking for America. 10,000 miles in three months.

The collision of surfaces: past, present and future.

Things converge around him.

In the picture: Glacier National Park, Montana, USA.


  1. Mark says:

    Epic. Print it.

    1. charlene says:

      One day, when I have a place to hang/store it.

    2. Charlene says:

      Would you like a print of this?

      1. Mark says:

        I would….but only if I could trade one to you. :-)

      2. Charlene says:

        At some point in the future, I will hold you to that trade :)

  2. walker says:

    wow, I would like to be in his shoes! great pic!


    1. Charlene says:

      Thanks walker! That was a pretty damn spectacular place.

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