It speaks!

Ye gods, you say, you’re alive!

I know, it’s been a while. Over a year, to be exact. My last post was at the end of November 2022, and let’s face it, I wasn’t exactly prolific before that.

Which is to say, I’m glad the three of you that still subscribe to my blog are reading this, but don’t get too excited. I’m just here to put some pictures up for the sh*ts n giggles.

Truth is, I’m starting over. I’ve started over many times in my life, but this is a photographic reset. I’ve spent the last three years working with photography — as editor, publisher, producer, social media manager, occasional assistant etc — but not as a photographer. I barely take photos for myself anymore. Been years since I’ve done any street photography, or picked up a camera for pleasure—a real camera and not the one on my phone. There are legitimate reasons, but they are few.

I began 2024 with the resolve to be a photographer again… Or at least, get to know the fabulous new X-T5 I’d acquired in September when I was in Stockholm for X Summit. Much 🫶 to Fujifilm Nordic, for whom I am very grateful to have a continuing relationship with.

I very happy to attend one of the SGSPC photowalks in January, hosted by the indefatigable Nicholas Ng. Always fun to meet and hang out with the guys and handful of girls from the community! And yes, I’m still in Singapore. Have been since March 2020. This is by far the longest stint I’ve spent in this country since leaving in 1999, and I’m in no hurry to leave… unless the job I’m eyeing, comes knocking. So my photographic reset happens here, where I was born.

I might post some pictures again at some point. I’d love to be as digitally prolific as Dan Milnor is on Shifter, but let’s face it, Uncle Danno is one of a kind. Reportedly doesn’t procrastinate, so his one incident of doing so deserved a whole post, with a video. If I procrastinated like that, I’d be pretty damn accomplished. Instead, some days I marvel that I get anything I’m supposed to do, done. It’s a circus in my head.

But I digress. Let’s see how this photographic reset goes.

Photos above made with the Fujifilm X-T5 (what a solid camera!) and original XF56mm F1.2 R. Nothing outstanding, but it was fun to play with reflections, when there are so many in this city.

I’d forgotten how good it feels to have a camera in my hand. That’s how long it’s been.


  1. So glad you’re back, Charlene. Just seeing your name makes me smile. Looking forward to whatever posts, whatever images, whenever. Do whatever, whenever according to your life. We’ll be here. Cheers, friend, and yes, the X-T5 is pretty special!

    1. charlene says:

      Cheers Terry. Don’t get too excited though… I’m still of several minds about this whole blogging thing. But we shall see what happens

      1. No worries, C. I get it. I go through the same things. You’ll figure out what is right for you. And that’s really the most important thing.

    2. Antonio says:

      Happy return… we miss you. Nice pictures, I loved it. Try not allowed life engulf you that much, in order we can appreciate your personal work.

  2. Peter says:

    Sh*ts and giggles works for me every time and, l’m glad it speaks😉

  3. Yiannis says:

    Happy to see you back Charlene! I liked your photographic style and enjoyed your frames and stories! All the best whatever you decide to do from now on!

    1. charlene says:

      Thank you kindly Yiannis!

  4. Michael M. says:

    I always read your posts, Charlene, with eagerness and expectation for the pleasant surprises. You never fail me! Welcome back!

    1. charlene says:

      Haha! Glad to hear it. Thanks Michael

  5. What a delightful surprise on a Saturday morning ! Love the photographs.

    I think the photos we take just for the fun of it are often the closest we can get to the joy of why we loved photography in the first place.

    1. charlene says:

      You are absolutely right!

  6. Phil Weston says:

    Still 17 February 2024 where I’m from. Good to hear you are still kicking Charlene. Photographic technology has changed a lot since COVID. We now talk of focus peaking, pixel shifting and and focus shift shooting yet “What’s the use of having a great depth of field, when there’s not an adequate depth of feeling?” as stated by — W. Eugene Smith

    1. charlene says:

      Indeed. Thanks Phil!

  7. olneyphotoec34bf2ed6 says:

    Glad that you are back and that we’ll enjoy your photography again. I’m in the same boat. I’ve been staled for the past year and a half or so. Your reset might trigger mine…

    1. charlene says:

      Heh, don’t get too excited. Yes, I’m definitely having a reset with the photography, but there’s no guarantee any of it will end of on this blog!

  8. brawi says:

    It’s nice to hear from you again! Glad to see you out with a camera.

  9. Andy F says:

    “I’m glad the three of you that still subscribe to my blog are reading this”

    Well that’s the beauty of RSS – one can subscribe to a feed like this and never miss a thing even if you only post once a year. And then when you do, it’s a nice surprise to see the post show up in my feed reader 🙂

    1. charlene says:

      Tell me about it Andy! I think those of us who are RSS fans are a dying breed though

  10. Mark Salt says:

    Nice to have you back! Your review of the XT 10 many moons ago was instrumental in my buying into the Fuji system. Being a creative is all ebbs and flows, to force it is to ruin it’s joy. I’m glad you are back making images again. I too am breaking in an XT5, it is a beautifully responsive camera. Take care.

    1. charlene says:

      Thanks Mark! Yes the X-T5 is brilliant. The X-T line (particularly the 3) has been a staple in my bag over the years because I use them for video, but I’ve always been neutral about my enthusiasm for them. The T5 changes all that though. These days I find myself reaching for it over any of the X-Pros, which are sitting neglected in my dry cabinet 😱

  11. Paul Bradforth says:

    Charlene, as one of the three people reading your blog, I’m delighted to see you back, and wish you all the best!

    1. charlene says:

      Awwww thanks Paul!

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